Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Retiring in your 40’s

There is an interesting discussion thread at the asking the question, ‘Has anyone retired in their 40’s or aspires to?’ Lots of folks answered in the affirmative and have some great tips on making it work, both financially and psychologically. Some recurring themes: live below your means, use a 3% or 4% safe withdrawal […]

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Mon, June 11 2007 » Announcements » 4 Comments

How to get an accurate investment graph

A tale of two graphs -or- Don’t believe everything you see I’ll talk some more about this on show 65. But a caller wanted to know how to compare the performance of his ETF that pays dividends against other investments. The charts lie, basically. Yahoo Finance and other charts are dumb and just plot the […]

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Mon, June 4 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on How to get an accurate investment graph

Two things for you to read

First, the article by Clay Dillow I mentioned in the previous show. Second, Cramer’s feature article in New York magazine. I’m working on show 65 to be released next Tuesday, June 5th. See you then.

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Wed, May 30 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on Two things for you to read

Spring is Here! Show 61 delayed

From winter straight into summer we have finally arrived at spring here in Northern Virginia. That means I am spending a little more time enjoying the outdoors and slightly less time working on things like, uh, podcasts. Show 61 will be out when it is good and ready. Keep checking. But more importantly, I am […]

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Tue, May 1 2007 » Announcements » 3 Comments

How are those stocks of the year doing?

Cramer’s stocks of the year aren’t doing all that well so far. Eight months left to go. A portfolio of his nine picks (now ten stocks with the divestiture of Kraft from Altria) is up only 2.4% while the IFA Indexfolio(tm) 100 is up 8.16%. Name Ticker Fee Shrs Buy_Price LatestPrice % Gain Total_Value Value […]

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Mon, April 23 2007 » Announcements » 7 Comments

Bogle, Bogle, Bogle… interviewed on podcasts

Here are three podcasts on which John Bogle was recently interviewed. The most extensive interview, lasting roughly an hour, was the April 9th interview on EconTalk. Some show notes are posted at the website. Next up is The Index Investing Show‘s April 15th podcast release. Or here. And finally, there is The Investing Revolution from […]

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Mon, April 16 2007 » Announcements » 1 Comment

Mac iTunes users: Trouble Downloading?

I’ve gotten a few emails from Mac iTunes users who say that the Mad Money Machine podcasts are not being updated for them. One solution seems to be to unsubscribe and then Subscribe to the feed. Let me know if there are others. Not sure what is going on with the MMM feed at iTunes. […]

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Mon, April 16 2007 » Announcements » 1 Comment

Name That Investing Style

Henry Blodget says in his blog post “In Search Of: A New Name for ‘Passive’” that the name “Passive investing” is misleading and deflating. Who wants to be passive when we all know that being active is the way to make things happen? Read on…

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Mon, April 2 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on Name That Investing Style

Why doesn’t iTunes update with newest episodes?

If you browse iTunes and look at the details for the Mad Money Machine, it shows the most recent episode is only show 54. I have written to them twice today but no joy so far. So if you get the episodes through the “Get Episode” link, here’s what you should do instead: Click SUBSCRIBE […]

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Wed, March 28 2007 » Announcements » 2 Comments

I just want to say thank you

Listeners and readers, I just want to say THANK YOU for making Mad Money Machine the most popular investing search in iTunes. To see for yourself, open up iTunes and at the search box type “investing” and hit enter. Make sure to display the “Popularity” column. Then click the Popularity column to sort by the […]

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Sun, March 25 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on I just want to say thank you

Cramer manipulating at his Hedge Fund

Several people have sent me links to the YouTube video where Jim Cramer described how, at his hedge fund, he could push stocks higher or lower. Article at Cnet describes it and tries to link to the YouTube video, but YouTube says “This video is no longer available due to copyright claim by” Anyone […]

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Thu, March 22 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on Cramer manipulating at his Hedge Fund