Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

MMM-049: Play the Financial Freedom Game

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Play the Financial Freedom Game

It is not just about getting rich, it is about getting FREE: Financial Freedom.

2006 was a fantastic year for stocks. Surprisingly good. 2007 will also be surprising… we just do not know whether surprisingly good or surprisingly bad.

The Money Machine beat the Mad Money in the 2006 Portfolio Smackdown.

We have 24 Board Of Directors volunteers who will scientifcally determine if following Cramer’s stock picks can beat the IFA Indexfolio(tm) 100.

YOU TOO can play the Portfolio Smackdown. Get your free $100,000 play money to try and beat the index.

You’ve seen the 12-Steps tab?

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Subscribing, in podcasting lingo, means automatically downloading the feed, not paying a fee.


The Toolcrib item this time helps you plan 2007.

Why does Jim Cramer rarely talk about Percentages when discussing a stock’s performance?

Predictions from Fox Saturday morning shows.

Our Guru is banned for life but is now on the right track.

Go and see the movie We Are Marshall.

Get ready for MY forthcoming book: Paul Douglas Boyer’s Mad Money Machine: Play Video Games, Get Rich!

Get your copy of the rulebook for the Financial Freedom game here:

One of the best plans I’ve ever heard for Social Security was to give every newborn child in the USA $2000 at their birth and invest it in the market. So try it for yourself: Go to and click the Benchmark Your Portfolio tab and see how much $2000 will grow in 65 years.

Music from

Superfly – Stereophile

Living Life Dreaming Dreams II – A Single Voice

Money – Theory in Motion

Runaway Train – Under Feather

Music from

Desperation Song – Carbon Leaf

Wed, January 3 2007 » Podcasts