MMM-046: Relax
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Music from
Building Our Own Future – Howard Jones
Rescue Me – Zach and Sarah
Hi Paul!
Just a few thoughts regarding yout dilemma.
You don’t need to continue to follow Cramer’s pick all the way through, however, you could continue the Cramer Smackdown.
Your other features are interesting, tools from the crib, guru roulette etc.
Keep the name, since it is recognized. If necessary record an explanation of the name and insert it in every podcast.
Hope this gives you something to think about it.
Hi, Paul,
Around 25 years ago my wife and I ran a fanclub for the original TV soap “Dark Shadows.” Our philosphy of the club was that we’d keep doing it “as long as it was fun and it paid for itself” as we produced a fanzine, which had to be printed and mailed, back in the ancient pre-internet days. It ran its course but the good thing is that we’ve still got friends from that time we keep in touch with so it was well worth the experience and work.
As far as your own show’s concerned, as you’ve evolved in your outlook on various investments, you are the Creator of the show so you can take it in any direction you wish to. If you do want to go in another direction, I’d recommend you transition over a couple of shows, rather than too sudden a shift as people might think they’ve downloaded someone else’s podcast! .
In general, though, I’d say you’re doing it very well, informative, entertaining, nice mix of soundbite and music. Perhaps one show could be an interview with some of the folk at IFA. I for one would be more interested in their offerings if they didn’t require so much personal information before taking their analytical survey, FYI.
In the end though, as long as this remains fun for you and gives you a virtual soapbox, keep it coming!
I just got started listening and enjoy your podcast. Started with the 17th show Cramerica. I’ll become more familiar with it as I listen to more of them. I’ve been listening to Cramer for a while on radio podcast during dirve to work at 5:30 am. It’s interesting to hear about the various stocks that were recommended that have been smacked down and then bounced back again. Hope you keep the podcast going. You have a good sense of humor and you are easier to understand than Jim C sometimes. I have to ask my girlfriend sit through the show with me to figure out what he says sometimes…
I also like listening to the Cramer radio podcast (it’s so much less raucous than the TV show)
Website looks great too. Links to the tools has been very helpful.
Hi Paul,
Great show as usual.
If you decide to take the show in a different direction, I would still keep the same title to attract Cramer fans. Maybe you could call it “Mad Money Machine – the next level.”
If you decide to bag the whole thing, I would understand but I would be SAD!
Terrific show. I hope you will continue with the show, but if your heart isn’t in it then you have to find out what will make you happy. The show has always had a great format and you have developed some very good recurring segments. It is one of the best out there, at least that I have ever encountered and there was a time when I had as much as 25 GB of podcasts on my hard drive each week. I’m trimmed back a lot, but yours never leaves iTunes. It won’t go until you stop releasing it…even then, I’ll keep it in there just in case you sneak another show off sometime in the future and it can catch it for me.
Good luck. You’ve made a brilliant show and I’d give a new one a shot as well, regardless of the topic or format changes. It’s been entertaining… And I love the book you sent me from IFA. It has really changed my view about investing as well, almost the same way it seems that your views have changed over the life of the podcast. I went from Cramerite, to Rule #1, to seeing the light at the end of the investing tunnel with the 12 steps book. It’s been a fun ride.
Hi Paul,
I have really enjoyed listening to your shows. You certainly provide a valuable public service.
I had started drifting towards the idea of following some of Cramer’s picks even though I have always been partial to Index Funds. Then I came across your show… You reminded me of the reasons why I had gone the Index Funds route in the first place. You saved me from Cramer and myself.
So, thank you for all you’ve done. All I can give you in return is best wishes for the future, whatever you decide to do with the podcast…
Kind regards
I’ve been a listener from the beginning and have generally enjoyed the podcast. However, I first started listening to you because you provided a balance and different perspective to what Jim Cramer says. I’ve never liked his Mad Money TV show, too much of a circus act. But I do listen to his Real Money podcast and think that his recommendations and advice on that show are much more reasoned and thoughtful.
I agree with you, and I think Jim even agrees with you, that 90+ percent of our money should be invested in safe (boring) mutual funds and ETFs. And maybe he doesn’t emphasis that idea enough, but that is one of the reasons we need your show, to keep reminding us.
What I was really looking for when I started listening was someone who was keeping track of what Jim said and sort of auditing his picks. You sort of do that with the Cramer smackdown, but since some of that is based on his Mad Money show, I consider that wasted effort. I hoped you would take his Real Money podcast picks and keep a record (somehow) of what he said on Real Money and how they have turned out and how he has changed his story.
For example, I was following him (and you) around last spring timeframe when he kept pounding the table about buying CNXT, FNSR, AVNX, etc, etc. Now over six months later he is talking like anybody who owns CNXT is a moron. What happened in between? I listen every day and I don’t remember him telling everybody to get out of those stocks. When you hear him talk he is so positive and enthusiastic about what he says, that it is hard not to get that way yourself. Your show provides a different perspective and allows us to take a step back from the Cramer madness.
If you decide to give it up, you will be missed. But if you decide to go on, my vote is to continue to provide a sane counterpoint to Cramer’s (sometimes) insane investing, always remembering that this is only for our “mad money” not our retirement money.
Thanks again,
Hi Paul; I just listened to the last two shows–I was out last week to attend VMworld at the LA Convention Center.
VMworld was all about virtual servers and these things called virtual appliances; it’s a big deal in IT now to consolidate servers and applications using virtualization software. Maybe we will see virtual investing next…
Yes; I have to work too and spend time with my family. However, I kinda consider the Mad Money Machine as a family too. Kind of a virtual family…
Most of us have jobs that take us away from the things we love to do and I have to admit I have more podcasts recorded than I can possibly listen too but I always make time to listen to your shows.
I can’t wait to hear show 47–you hinted it would be different and I really like suprises.
Keep up the good work.
Fyi, Sony just released the PlayStation3, it includes a Blueray player and would probably work better with your Sony Bravia HDTV. 1080p is the way to go, however, there is not much content out there that can tap that 1080p format yet. I know Blueray can handle it–I have seen it in action and it’s really amazing when you get the full 1080p playback on those Bravia flat panel TV’s… I was pulling an all nighter tonight working on some servers–I went out for coffee at 3:00am and there were lines around the block at the local Best Buy and Circuit City with people camped out waiting to get their hands on PS3’s. There is nothing more fun that getting your hands on new electronic gadgets before everyone else. I kinda feel that way about the new version of VMware.
I am a little behind the times here as I just listened to EP 46, I usually have iTunes DL it for me and I hear them the same day.
I wanted to comment about the podcast’s future. I would like to encourage you to keep doing this podcast. I have been listening since about EP 15 and enjoy it more an more each week. Your humor and insights are a joy and can be founs in every episode. It sounds like you get great deals of satisfaction out of the podcast, if not you should be proud as it is truely a work of art.
Furthermore, The 12 Step Book, I downloaded from IFA, and bought the book. I think it is the best book out there to show people how to invest over the long haul. I like the Ron Popeil philosophy to investing, “set it and forget it.” I would like to thank you for suggesting IFA 12-Steps, I am 32 years old and I figured that book will get me an additional and secure 5% on my money compounding year after year. That one book, will add another million to my retirement.
Keep Up The GREAT WORK my friend.
Acworth, GA
Here’s an interesting article that may put all of this stockpicking nonsense to rest. Thanks for what you do!
You might try asking listeners if some of them might be interested in helping you with your pre-production. Perhaps helping organize stories, tools, ideas…..and collaborating together perhaps using Google Documents. (or whatever that is called)
Fr. Roderick of the Daily Breakfast Podcast has just started doing this and he says it helps him quite a bit. (and it is a way that a few people can end up supporting the show in a very positive manner)
Just a thought.
bigqueue: That is a great idea and thanks for suggesting it. I’ll look into the best collaboration site (probably and set things up. I can tell you that there have indeed been times when listeners have emailed me stuff that I have used on the show…. in fact the Guru from show 47 came from dylster13 just above here in comment #10!
Thanks for listening.
I’m glad to see you’re continuing your podcast, although I’m surprised you want to give up so soon. Cramer recently patted himself on the back for his stock of the year: ATI, which is now up 161% on the year. I forget the exact times, but I’ve heard on your show it takes 20 to 200 years to show an investor is good, not just lucky. Were you just unlucky to miss ATI? Those of us that enjoy investing our ‘Mad Money’ in stocks while keeping retirement money in funds would like to see the Portfolio Smackdown! continue. Perhaps in addition to bigqueue’s collaboration idea, you could have more enthusiastic guest hosts to cover Cramer, while you continue the other sections of your show.