Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Stocks on sale: Add JNJ to Portfolio Smackdown

Finally, stocks are on sale. So we have two categories open in the Portfolio Smackdown for the Cramer Featured stocks, namely, Brand-name blue chip and Secular soft goods. When Cramer talked about the ten categories to diversify across and mentioned the secular soft goods, he specifically mentioned Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) so I went through my notes and see that he recommended the stock as recently as 3 November and said he was adding shares of it to his Action Alerts Plus portfolio. Too bad for him, because on Nov 3rd they were trading at $68 per share and today we’re loading up on them for the low, low price of only $65.32 per share. With the cash balance of $ 21,476.18, we’ll take half and buy 164 shares of JNJ today.

Next up: Fill that Brand Name Blue Chip slot. Would wait another day to see if the market keeps putting things on sale before buying.

Mon, November 27 2006 » Blog