Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

MMM-139: Christmas Cucaracha

Cockroaches? Never just one. Ponzi again. Cramer: Market is crooked. Leveraged ETFs cause volatility. 3 year anniversary of MMM. How mutual fund distributions work. BAD NEWS. Guru’s beautiful mind says we need a gold standard.  Flip throws

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MMM-139 Topics in this week’s show include:

  • Cockroaches… there’s never just one. La Cucaracha by Kumbia Kings.
  • Bernie Madoff. Wow, now THAT’S a Ponzi scheme! Who can you trust? Index funds!
  • Cramer: market is crooked. What’s up with 3:00? Mad Money is such a different show now that he has no stocks to pump. Cramer talked about it. Says you cannot rely on SEC. That’s a rouse. There shouldn’t be an SEC.
  • Cramer says leveraged ETFs are to blame for market drop, especially after 3pm. So does WSJ .
  • I’ve been doing this show for 3 years now. The world was so easy back then. Invest and relax. Now that we’ve awakened, it is another story…
  • LEARNING EARNING: How Mutual Fund Distributions Work
  • US auto bankruptcy, bank bailouts, $50 billion Ponzi scheme, T-Bills yielding 0%, FED selling its own bonds, rising unemployment, layoffs, gold backwardation, Cramer saying markets are corrupt, inflation, deflation, Illinois govenor,
  • Comment from John in Omaha: Conquer the Crash . Thank you! But I don’t buy into Elliott Waves or Kondratieff Cycles. Pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo.  Read pg 129.
  • Payoff your mortgage?
  • GURU: Beautiful Mind guy says we need a gold standard
  • One World Currency: GOLD!
  • One World Government? not so much.
  • Beggar thy Neighbor?
  • Michael Phelps story
  • Maryland Won. UNC girls won.
  • Soccer flip throw ins. First watch this
    then watch this
    then this

    I love the part when they yell, “THAT WAS INTENTIONAL!”

  • TOOL: Night Stand for iPhone

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Music from
Runaway Train – Under Feather

O Holy Night – Eoin Harrington

Email me: feedback at Mad Money Machine dot com or call the Mad Money Machine voicemail line 206-734-4763

Mon, December 15 2008 » Podcasts