Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Call for Board of Directors is closed

I was looking for several volunteers to be on the Mad Money Machine “Board of Directors” for 2007. Thanks all you folks for signing up.

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Thu, December 14 2006 » Announcements » Comments Off on Call for Board of Directors is closed

Get your $100,000 and join the Portfolio Smackdown 2007

So thanks to some feedback from you guys, I got the idea to combine the Investment Guru Challenge and the Portfolio Smackdown into one thing for 2007. I have created a game at MarketWatch’s Virtual Stock Exchange (VSE) in 2007 for our Investment Guru Challenge and for the Portfolio Smackdown. The Game ID is […]

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Wed, December 13 2006 » Announcements » Comments Off on Get your $100,000 and join the Portfolio Smackdown 2007

Cramer’s lack of diversifcation costs charities nearly half a million?

Too bad Jim invests for charity in individual stocks. His portfolio is probably up, what, 7% for the year? Give or take a few percentage. On three million dollars that would be $210,000. If instead he had invested in Portfolio 100 at, he would be up 21.23% or $636,900. In other words, due to […]

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Tue, December 5 2006 » Announcements » Comments Off on Cramer’s lack of diversifcation costs charities nearly half a million?

Cramer on Imus

Here’s the link where you can listen/download/get the podcast of the Don Imus show this morning on which Jim Cramer talks about losing 30 pounds on the stress diet, talks about the new book, etc. Runs about 17 minutes. Click to get it…

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Mon, December 4 2006 » Announcements » Comments Off on Cramer on Imus

I’m going to get rich watching my 46″ LCD TV

I just got my advance copy of Jim Cramer’s Mad Money: Watch TV, Get Rich and the first thing I’m going to do

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Fri, December 1 2006 » Announcements » 2 Comments

Free Cramer Book and Get Your Booyah on on Dec 5th

OK hardcore Cramericans, now is your chance to get a free book and be seen on the Today Show. I’ve just gotten word from Simon and Schuster that goes like this: He has a new investing book coming out in December, titled Jim Cramer’s Mad Money: Watch TV, Get Rich. We have a very fun […]

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Thu, November 30 2006 » Announcements » 1 Comment

Thank you!

First, a big thank you for your support, your feedback, and for reading and listening. It is fun or I wouldn’t be doing it. Next, I ask two favors of you: 1. Starting in DECEMBER, would you please vote for this show at PodcastAlley? Use the entry box at the top right of this web […]

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Tue, November 28 2006 » Announcements » 3 Comments

I tried: Stay subscribed

I spent some time today working on the show, but it looks more and more like it ain’t gonna happen… you see, I got this big screen TV and, well, you know how hard it is to make a podcast when there’s all this TV to watch, right? Especially in glorious upconverted 1080p. And DC […]

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Sun, October 29 2006 » Announcements » 2 Comments

Hey, People Who Register

I’ve been seeing some people (not a HUGE number, but anyway…) who sign up to register here at but then never make a comment. I’m wondering if a) you think you are entering the book giveaway just by registering (you’re not- you need to post the appropriate comment in the right place at the […]

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Thu, October 26 2006 » Announcements » 1 Comment

Show’s a No-Show

Good news, bad news: The good news is I am really enjoying my day job. Lots of things to invent. And the money is great (well, at least better than what I make as a podcaster 🙂 ). The bad news is that I am really enjoying my day job. Thus show 44 won’t be […]

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Thu, October 19 2006 » Announcements » 4 Comments

Kiplinger’s Articles now on-line

You can read the article from Kiplinger’s Personal Finance called Booyah! The Manic Universe of Jim Cramer. And the article naming the Mad Money Machine as one of the Must-Read Bloggers is also available.

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Fri, October 13 2006 » Announcements » 1 Comment