Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer


I’m getting all kinds of good info from the new to pass along to you. Like this one: On March 28th on PBS (check your local listings) a show called BoomerCentury will air. From the web site: is a rich interactive experience that helps you explore the past, present, and future of this […]

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Wed, March 21 2007 » Announcements » 1 Comment

John Bogle to appear on Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

According to the website, John Bogle will appear on the 23 March edition of the show with Consuelo Mack. After the show airs on some PBS stations, you should be able to download it through iTunes at this link Or by signing up at the website

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Wed, March 21 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on John Bogle to appear on Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

Definition of Mad Money

The definition of “Mad Money” from Webster’s dictionary: : money that a woman carries to pay her fare home in case a date ends in a quarrel

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Wed, March 14 2007 » Announcements » 1 Comment

Catch Dan Solin on The Early Show

Here’s a link to watch Dan Solin, author of The Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read , discuss getting market returns, which are superior returns, on the CBS Early Show. Dan Solin will be my guest on the Mad Money Machine show 55 to be released on Tuesday, 27 March!

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Mon, March 12 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on Catch Dan Solin on The Early Show


VTI is the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index ETF and SPY tracks the S&P 500. This article by Mark Hulbert explains in detail how buying and holding the 500 stocks in the S&P 500 when it started 50 years ago would have dramatically outperformed investing in the actual S&P 500 itself with all of its […]

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Wed, March 7 2007 » Announcements » 1 Comment

Use the new

I signed up today at, a discussion forum that I hope will replace the antiquated version hosted by Morningstar. Diehards refers to the Vanguard Diehards, devoted followers of John Bogle the founder of Vanguard who continues to be a passive investing evangelist. As valuable a resource as the Morningstar-hosted Diehards forum was, it was […]

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Wed, March 7 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on Use the new

Blodget’s New Blog

Check out Henry Blodget’s new blog at Yeah, MMM got a mention. But check out the articles on Buffet, DFA, and Smithers (no, not THAT Smithers). This is one blog to bookmark and read frequently. Henry’s writing is among the clearest anywhere.

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Wed, March 7 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on Blodget’s New Blog

On the next show: An interview with Henry Blodget!

Something different for the Mad Money Machine show… an interview with Wall Street Analyst turned Passive Investing Evangelist Henry Blodget! We discuss his new book, what he is doing these days, and lots about active vs. passive investing. I ask him, “What do you really think about Jim Cramer?” and also “What would CNBC look […]

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Mon, March 5 2007 » Announcements » 1 Comment

Just gotta link to this

The Kirk Report has done a fabulous job of accumulating lots of web wisdom surrounding the “Lazy Portfolio” approach that I’ve finally come to see as the superior way of investing. Knowing his site blogs on stock picking and market timing, here’s something I read there that surprised me, almost shocked me: While I spend […]

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Sun, February 18 2007 » Announcements » 1 Comment

Blodget vs. Cramer

I guess it is my duty to report to you that there is a war of words going on between Henry Blodget (Guru #49) and Jim Cramer (Guru #17). More than you’d ever want to know about it you can read here. And it has links to the original articles and stuff… Bottom line: Blodget […]

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Tue, February 13 2007 » Announcements » 3 Comments

Day Break is online

On show 50, I said ABC’s Day Break show was gone. Now I see that it is available online.

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Tue, January 30 2007 » Announcements » Comments Off on Day Break is online