Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Keynote is Amazing. Watch. Subscribe.

I used Apple’s Keynote presentation software from their iWork package to create a video that goes along with the IFA Quote of the Week Issue #44. The episode talks about the rise and fall of fund manager Bill Miller. Have a look and give me suggestions for improvement. Get these videos delivered to your iPod […]

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Sat, January 24 2009 » Analysis, Blog » Comments Off on Keynote is Amazing. Watch. Subscribe.

NYTimes has great interactive graphic on getting back to even

Check this out. NYTimes, with its unlimited budget (ha) has gone and done my pitiful "Table of What it Takes to Get Back to Even " several times better. Theirs is an interactive graphic (in Flash no less) where you can enter what you once HAD, what you now HAVE, and your expected return rate […]

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Sun, January 11 2009 » Analysis, Blog, Tips » Comments Off on NYTimes has great interactive graphic on getting back to even

Austrian Investing Means Investing in Capitalism

I was talking with Mark Hebner today about this idea of Black Swan investing. As I mentioned in show 141, I read an article entitled “Is There Such a Thing as Austrian Investing?” by  Sterling T. Terrell. He talks about the differences between passive and active investing. But then he talks about their similarity: they both […]

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Fri, January 9 2009 » Analysis, Blog » Comments Off on Austrian Investing Means Investing in Capitalism

Madoff Ponzi Scheme: Cover for Other Frauds?

By now you’ve heard about the alleged multi-billion, multi-year Ponzi scheme by Bernard Madoff and how so many other hedge funds were invested with him and how they lost money. Here’s the question: Are we sure those hedge funds lost their money by investing with Madoff? Maybe they did lose some money but maybe they […]

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Wed, December 17 2008 » Analysis, Blog » Comments Off on Madoff Ponzi Scheme: Cover for Other Frauds?

How to fix the economy, by Fred Thompson

This is funny. If he hadn’t already done this, I would have liked to have done a similar sarcastic “fix of the economy” on my show.

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Wed, December 3 2008 » Analysis, Blog, Fun » Comments Off on How to fix the economy, by Fred Thompson

Getting Back to Even

 Here’s a handy table (for your printing pleasure) that shows what percentage gain you need to get on your investments to get back to where you were before a certain percentage loss. So for example, the S&P 500 index is down about 40% year to date. Looking down the table, you’ll see that we’d need […]

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Tue, November 18 2008 » Analysis, Blog » Comments Off on Getting Back to Even

It’s Official: Worst Rolling 12 Month Returns Just In [Corrected!]

[An observant reader pointed out my mathmatical flaw in the article below. I have corrected it now. I had a feeling as I was adding percentages that I was doing something stupid. Doing the math properly makes a difference, but turns out it is not a major change to the result.] The good folks at […]

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Fri, October 31 2008 » Analysis, Blog » Comments Off on It’s Official: Worst Rolling 12 Month Returns Just In [Corrected!]

Uncorking CDOs

I liked this explaination of how CDOs work and why they helped cause a financial crisis… hat tip

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Wed, October 29 2008 » Analysis, Blog, Fun » Comments Off on Uncorking CDOs

Kunstler says “tsunami” also

Remember my show called "Surviving the Tsunami ?" I thought tsunami was a pretty good metaphor for what I thought would happen when the current deflation (wave going out) is followed by hyperinflation (giant wave crashing to shore). I was delighted to see someone else use the same metaphor today. This is James Howard Kunstler […]

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Tue, October 28 2008 » Analysis, Blog » Comments Off on Kunstler says “tsunami” also

Two Years of Decline Packed Into Five Months

This is a follow-up to my posting from last May called “Technical Analysis and Trend Following” where I compared the S&P 500’s decline from 2001-2003 to the movement from April 2006 to May 2008.  It was a thinly-veiled jab at those who were predicting a resumption of the bull market based upon a recent uptick […]

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Wed, October 15 2008 » Analysis, Blog, Predictions » Comments Off on Two Years of Decline Packed Into Five Months

Mark Hebner Addresses the Market Volatility

Mark Hebner of Index Funds Advisors gives some sound advice for the current market:

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Wed, October 15 2008 » Analysis, Blog » Comments Off on Mark Hebner Addresses the Market Volatility