Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Ahead of the Crackle

Did you catch the two stocks that were requested recently during Lightning Rounds that Jim Cramer said, “I was thinking about featuring that earlier this week?” Well of course your Mad Money Machinist has them for you: (CBIZ) and (DGIN).

Yep. March 24th he said of CBIZ, “A terrific play. Seven dollars goes to 10. You got my blessing and I even give you a triple buy.” But he also said that he was thinking of making it a featured stock.

Then on March 31st a caller asked about Digital Insight (DGIN). Jim said,

“I really don’t understand how this company is able to make as much money as it is [sic]…. It’s like an arms merchant to digital banks. But its workin’… You know this is kind of an amazing company. Another company that I wanted to profile earlier this week. You must be inside my head with another 20 other people. I’m callin’ the fire marshal!”

So if Jim does come around and feature one or both of these stocks, it would be an excellent opportunity to get AHEAD of the Cramer Crackle.

Mon, April 3 2006 » Announcements