Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Just gotta link to this

The Kirk Report has done a fabulous job of accumulating lots of web wisdom surrounding the “Lazy Portfolio” approach that I’ve finally come to see as the superior way of investing.

Knowing his site blogs on stock picking and market timing, here’s something I read there that surprised me, almost shocked me:

While I spend a great deal of time talking about the market and trading stocks (especially since that is how I earn my living), you should also understand that I think the lazy portfolio approach is the very best way to go for the vast majority of investors. In fact, when friends, family, and even casual acquaintances ask me how they should invest in the market, my first and best answer is for them to develop a simple portfolio of index funds

Now I don’t feel so guilty for reading his website! 🙂

Sun, February 18 2007 » Announcements

One Response

  1. kate February 19 2007 @ 2:46 pm

    Very useful link.
    IFA uses DFA funds, but many others linked here use a combo approach: Vanguard, IShares, WisdomTree, etc.
    Can you recommend an ETF house or guru that will research/ recommend favorite ETFs/indexes from multiple sources, then consult with customer throughout year?