Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Blodget vs. Cramer

I guess it is my duty to report to you that there is a war of words going on between Henry Blodget (Guru #49) and Jim Cramer (Guru #17).

More than you’d ever want to know about it you can read here.
And it has links to the original articles and stuff…

Bottom line: Blodget thinks Cramer is giving out bad advice. Cramer thinks Blodget shouldn’t be allowed to speak.

Tue, February 13 2007 » Announcements

3 Responses

  1. donharrold February 13 2007 @ 11:42 pm

    Here are Jim’s picks of the year. The first price is the open on January 3, 2007 (the first day of the year you could have traded). The second price is the close as of today. The last number is the change.

    The summary is this:

    A) Only 4 of 9 are up.

    B) The total percent gain is only 1.19%. This total underperforms the Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P 500.

    C) BOTTOM LINE: Flipping a coin would have given you a better chance so far. Plus simply buying either DIA, QQQQ, or SPY (index tracking ETFs) would have put you ahead of Jim.

    On a personal note: If Jim is such a pro, genius, or whatever, even if he was up over the Dow (which should be easy for a seasoned, “mad money maker” like Jim) I would not be rolling the dice on his picks for a measly one or two percent. If that’s all you want, get a mutal fund.


    Here are the numbers:

    Symbol Open 1/3 – Close 2/13 – Change

    AAPL $86.29 $84.70 -$1.59
    CSCO $27.46 $27.18 -$0.28
    GS $200.60 $212.53 $11.93
    HAL $30.90 $30.65 -$0.25
    LVLT $5.68 $6.08 $0.40
    MO $86.10 $86.05 -$0.05
    NYX $97.70 $90.19 -$7.51
    RAD $5.50 $6.12 $0.62
    SVNT $11.30 $14.62 $3.32

    $551.53 $558.12 $6.59 1.19%

    DOW $12,459.54 $12,654.85 $195.31 1.57%SP-500 $1,418.03 $1,443.01 $24.98 1.76%
    Nasdaq $2,429.72 $2,459.88 $30.16 1.24%

  2. ravjim February 15 2007 @ 12:18 am

    While I am not in the habit of defending JC, I think we need to point out that these picks were for the YEAR, and thus we can truly KNOW whether or not JC knew what he was talking about in December of 2007.

    I too have found JC’s picks only slightly up for the year. Let’s give it the year.

  3. muckdog February 16 2007 @ 2:15 pm

    Gets worse than that. Check out Watch TV Get Rich blog entry from Adam on Cramer vs. Cramer. For those of us who follow, it can make your head spin reading his column from day to day. Says one thing one day, contradicts it the next, and on and on it goes….