Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Another sell: PEP

Jim said to sell Pepsi (PEP). Looks like we’re getting some turnover in the Portfolio Smackdown.

Thu, October 12 2006 » Blog

2 Responses

  1. ravjim October 13 2006 @ 11:14 am

    Since Jim C. is so excited about the ‘moving big earth’ sector, how about CAT or John Deer?

  2. Oz October 21 2006 @ 12:32 am

    Hi Paul,

    Today just confirmed why it would be foolhardy to take everything Cramer says at face value. At the end of last week he was all fired up about housing still being a good investment. Today he totally backed away from this view saying that these stocks and CAT in particular is not a good option!

    So, since he’s backed away from CAT I am not sure if you would still like to replace GM with a stock he’s no longer recommending.

    If that is the case, I would like to change my vote to replace GM with PFE, Pfizer, Inc. Cramer is all for investing in drug companies right now, so hopefully he’ll stay positive about these stocks for more than a week.

    Looking forward to your next podcast…

    Kind regards