Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

MMM-039: Benchmark’d

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I’ve said it before but I have no problem saying it again, THANK YOU! for nominating the Mad Money Machine as the only investing show to be so nominated as Best Business Podcast at!
But being nominated don’t mean a thing if I can’t continue bringing the goods!

Meet me at the Podcast Expo in Ontario CA on 29 and 30 September 2006.

Vote for the music you think should be played on the MMM.

Call me on the Mad Money Machine voicemail line at 206-734-4736.

Skype Meâ„¢!

I went to RFK Statium… AGAIN! RFK Statium... getting old

George Washington’s Fan Chair at Mount Vernon
George Washington's Fan Chair

Apple Computer’s iTV. What will it do that the XBOX 360 doesn’t already do?

My take on Step 6 of the 12 Step Program for Active Investors: Under New Management

Our Guru has his portfolio…   Benchmarked and comes up wanting.

David says not to promote Battlestar Galactica. You say it needs fixed. What’s broken?

Also, several people have written to say the Action Alerts Plus Google Alerts trick is broken. Awwwww.

Pigiron won the book! (How’s the gold doing?) Gimme your address and the book will be on its way to you.

More detail about the Petersburg Payout. It is actually called the Petersburg Paradox. Read more about it in Peter Bernstein’s book, Against the Gods, written in 1996… BEFORE the .COM craze!

This week’s Tool in the Crib is the most fantastic thing I have never seen.

A thought experiment: Why is it impossible for Jim Cramer’s stock picks to be the best performers?

I talk about the performance of Jim’s Mad Money featured stocks from February.

BOOK GIVEAWAY! I’m giving away yet another copy of Index Funds: The 12-Step Program for Active Investors. Make sure you are registered then simply add a comment to this show that answers this question:

Tell me a blog you read regularly. (Doesn’t even have to be money-related!)

Visit our sponsor: Index Funds Advisors

Download the show directly MMM-039.mp3

Music from the Podsafe Music Network:
We’re The X-Ray Dogs – X-Ray Dogs
Under New Management – theVoyeurs
Take me over Feat: Jodie – Don Taylor
Money – Theory in Motion
Time To Dance – Panic At The Disco
Cheese Grater – Chub Creek Music
Monster Patrol – Van Davis

Thu, September 14 2006 » Podcasts

17 Responses

  1. asciiadam September 14 2006 @ 9:22 pm

    Paul, I appreciate the easy question.

    These are some blogs (with correlating links) that I frequent:

    The Kirk Report
    Trader Mike
    Forex Factory



    Mad Money Machine Podcast

    the HookShow Podcast
    ASCII Adam Frappr Blog

    Keep up the good work. Everytime you update your Podcast, it is usually the first thing that I listen to (besides my brother’s) and then visit the corresponding Blog for Tool in the Crib links, to read the comments, or possibly post a comment.

    I attempted to get others to listen to your podcast. However, there seems to be a severe paradox among those that I talk to. The ones that have money (to invest) are those who have grown comfort with earned hourly/salaried income and don’t want to risk thier hard-earned dollar to potential lose it -to then be forced to earn it all over again. Then there are those who do not have much money (to invest) that keep complaining that they have too many bills to pay first. These are the people who can’t look outside their current situation.

    Paul, how would you approach these two different kind of personalities…
    an ‘Earner” and a “Debtor” to eventually turn them on to the almost limitless potential of individual investing?

  2. olivr2 September 14 2006 @ 9:55 pm

    Well, I put all the blogs I read on so I read groups of them in one place. I think (and 67,945 other subscribers do also) you have to include the Unofficial Dilbert Feed by

    BTW, I include podcasts also and 8 people are registered on Bloglines for your podcast this way. It even gives you a play button to play the podcast.

  3. teel September 15 2006 @ 11:17 am

    I read and The Kirk Report. Almost all the podcasts I listen to are investment-related

    Mad Money Machine
    Real Money
    Wall Street Journal
    Business Week
    NPR Motley Fool

  4. vancwa1 September 15 2006 @ 6:20 pm

    Hi Paul,

    I only read a couple financial blogs regularly. One is Peter Navarro’s and the other is Michael Covel’s. These blogs are definitely not about passively indexing.

  5. radar96 September 16 2006 @ 1:27 am

    Hi Paul,
    Love your podcast, keep up the good work.
    I like reading Bobs Advice for Stocks. He does a detail stock analysis that covers fundamental and techincal analysis.

  6. yomomma2000 September 16 2006 @ 8:15 pm

    Hi Paul,
    Sorry you’re wrong, all people who listen to podcasts don’t read blogs. If a financial podcast doesn’t come in podcast form, I don’t bother. I am a podcast addict.
    I listen to podcasts while I drive to work, run errands and walk the dog.

  7. soundefx September 17 2006 @ 8:57 pm

    Hey Paul. I’d have to agree with yomamma2000. I’m not a huge blogger, but I’m a PodCast-Head. I can’t get enough. Anyways, to answer your question, one of the only blogs that I have any interest in is, AKA All Financial Matters. Funny thing is that it really isn’t all financial matters. It doesn’t cover estate planning or insurance. Just investments. Oh well. Fine by me. Insurance and estate planning are important, but I’d rather spend my free time reading on how to become rich, rather than what to do when a) I die or b) I almost die. Check it out sometime. And check your MySpace account.

  8. mojojojo103 September 18 2006 @ 10:38 am

    I frequent the Vanguard Diehards blog on Morningstar. I think you mentioned it once on one of the shows.

  9. mallen99 September 18 2006 @ 1:06 pm

    Hi Paul…enjoy the show keep waiting for someone to catch me in the investment challenge anyhow here are some blogs that I frequent.

  10. Rexfirefighter September 19 2006 @ 9:15 am

    I like Ben Stein’s Blogs. I think Ben Stein is not taken seriously because of his movie roles and his dry, monotone delivery.

    You have one of the best sound quality shows on itunes. Keep up the good work buddy.

  11. cpadov September 19 2006 @ 2:19 pm

    Paul, good question! i now have lots of blogs to check out from the other comments posted.

    My favorite blogs (other than yours) are:
    and my favorite is:

    (in full disclosure dovinvestmenttips is my own site and blog)

    Thank you and keep up the good work in the tools in the crib section.

  12. dylster13 September 19 2006 @ 7:52 pm

    Hey Paul,
    Keep up the great work and I love the new music in every show you incorporate. Here is a blog that I frequent:

    It deals with the other biggest waste of time in my life beside stocks – fantasy baseball.

  13. fu_fish September 20 2006 @ 8:35 am

    Some of the blogs I read/watch?

    Geek Brief
    MoBuzz TV
    The Show with Ze Frank
    Oh yeah, a bunch of my friends’ blogs.

    I don’t remember if it was this show or the previous (I listened back-to-back), but you asked what iTV can do that Xbox360 can’t?

    1) Integrate with iTunes for movies, TV, and music
    2) Integrate with other apple software
    3) Stream Wirelessly
    4) Cost ~ $200

  14. mrea2 September 21 2006 @ 5:54 am

    I’m mainly a PODCAST guy, but have checked out a few blogs:
    -Playstation 3 bLog
    -Blogging Baby
    -Hacking Netflix

    Hey, I checked out the investopidia contest this morning. I’m number 5. Yeah! If only I could have done that with REAL money…
    Anyway, keep up the great work.
    Take Care.

  15. bpellin September 21 2006 @ 1:14 pm

    The only blog I really read with any regularity is boingboing. However, I’m going to take a look through some of the ones posted above.

  16. punisher September 21 2006 @ 10:28 pm


    Sorry I’m so late but I listen to you each Thursday on my long drive home from Sunnyvale to Folsom, CA. Anyway, I heard on your show that your Guru’s recent picks (2003 I think) didn’t beat the benchmark. There was one small flaw in your calculation. Rayonier (RYN) actually had a stock split in 10/2005. Not sure the total impact on the performance but it should be signifant.

    Otherwise love the show. I get you through Yahoo Podcasts. Can’t say I read any blogs consistently – only the occasional entry from a link on the page I might be reading (I do frequent the Yahoo Finance message boards).

  17. Paul Douglas Boyer September 21 2006 @ 10:48 pm


    THANK YOU for calling me on that one.

    I went back and looked at all five stocks and used the ADJUSTED stock prices that Yahoo gives in its historical returns (which I should have thought to do originally)

    The starting prices should be:
    RCO.PA : $26.27
    LPE.PA: $28.73
    BKS: $12.37 (Had a $10 dividend)
    MCD: $13.49
    RYN: $13.65 (Had a 3:2 split)

    Others had some small dividends also.

    When I crunch all that togther, the JME performance is…


    (The IFA 100 was 26.22%)

    I’ve admitted I’m not an accountant nor very good with Excel before, and this is proof that I goof. Of course, there’s nothing to say I got it right this time either!

    I am thrilled that you commented to tell me about it. I will mention it in my next show and talk about it.