Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

MMM-033: Cannot Think of a Title

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or, if you just can’t possibly deal with that then
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Proudly sponsored by Index Funds Advisors. Take the Risk Capacity Survey and also Benchmark your portfolio.

I’ve said it before but I have no problem saying it again, THANK YOU! for nominating the Mad Money Machine as the only investing show to be so nominated as Best Business Podcast at! Don’t waste your time actually voting. Being nominated was the goal.

But being nominated don’t mean a thing if I can’t continue bringing the goods!

I went to the Money Show and heard Steve Forbes, Newt Gingrich, and Mark Skousen, among others. Newt is optimistic about the future.

Went to Deep Creek Lake, MD.

Way behind on watching Mad Money.

No, I have never been a radio announcer, but thanks.
And sure, I would LOVE to be considered as a replacement for PAUL HARVEY!

When everybody podcasts, who are you going to listen to? The Long Tail.

ITunes changed around its category rankings again.

A reviewer at iTunes says I play too much music. BAH!

I finished both Freakonomics and Fooled by Randomness. Are you a frequent stock-price watcher? Watch out!

Now reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. An experiment is reviewed. I guess I’m a Maven. Shake your head up and down for a minute. Now, would you vote for the Mad Money Machine at

I picked a date on purpose this time to compare how Jim’s picks did versus the S&P 500.

The Portfolio Smackdown is reviewed. We’re holding onto Haliburton. He said on today’s Mad Money that HAL is a buy here!

Have you signed up for the Investment Guru Challenge? The top performers are listed.

Our Guru has a job I would just love to have! Hey wait, I’m sort of doing that already.

My ideal job would be a combination of Paul Harvey and Mark Hulbert…. Hey, that’s the Mad Money Machine!

They Wayback Machine looks at Mad Money and the disclaimer at the beginning of the show. Do YOU need an advisor? Go to Index Funds Advisors at

THANK YOU for submitting your suggestions for this show’s content! See the comments from show #32 to read all the great ideas for yourself.

BTW: What happened on last Monday’s Mad Money TV show? The video was about 3 seconds ahead of the audio for a few minutes there. Wierd!

Check out Jim’s video at

Check out page 122 of Index Funds!

The Swede won the book! It is on its way to you in Lund, Sweden.


BOOK GIVEAWAY! I’m giving away yet another copy of Index Funds: The 12-Step Program for Active Investors. Make sure you are registered then simply add a comment to this show that answers this question:

What is something your have learned by going to the web site for Index Funds Advisors at

Next show: The MMM Special touch on the 12 steps.

Visit our sponsor: Index Funds Advisors

Download the show directly MMM-033.mp3

Music from
Runaway Train – Under Feather
Sunshine With The Shade – The Reverse Engineers
More Than Me – Rachel Keaggy
sitar – ???
The Wayback Machine – The Geargrinders
Rescue Me – Zach and Sarah

Thu, July 27 2006 » Podcasts

10 Responses

  1. javdev July 29 2006 @ 7:20 am

    Congrats on your podcast awards nomination!

    An early recolection of money for me is when a new bank opened in town and they would a parent lower a child into a tub sized crate of pennies. I remember scooping up the pennies and putting them into some kind of jar.

    Thanks \,

  2. Top Dog July 29 2006 @ 2:31 pm

    Dear Paul:

    I visited There’s lot’s of neat audio and video files along with music to read by. The volume of information is overwhelming.

    A thought for future show segments – please consider interviewing someone, perhaps one of the gurus. Many interviews that one sees and hears these days are not face to face, but conducted with video and/or audio technology.

    I look forward to many, many more of your shows. BTW, I think the music in your ‘casts is in good balance with the monologue. And thanks for the inspiring and motivating shows.

    Good luck,

  3. Andy July 31 2006 @ 12:16 pm


    Belated congrats on your podcast award nomination! You definitely deserve it.

    I checked out the IFA website linked from your site (and some of your Google advertisements). So, I saw that the IFA website also has a podcast. Will this compete with yours? Should I purchase some stock in your podcast, thinking IFA will want to buy you out? (Oh, Jim says that is not how to invest.) Just teasing!

    I am glad you linked the current podcast from your webpage. I have been moving around a lot lately and haven’t been able to sync up my ipod for over a month. However, the IT people here at work haven’t blocked your audio stream, so I am able to get my weekly dose.

    Thanks again for your hard work. I enjoy it every week,

  4. AIMster July 31 2006 @ 4:30 pm

    Hi, Paul,

    Almost neo-Zen Buddhist, ‘Cannot think of a Title’ IS the Title! So which came first, the title that cannot be thought of or the title that already is?

    Thanks for the direction to – a most enjoyable way to kill a few hours tweaking stations. Back when I was a little kid my mom used to listen to WPAT out of Patterson, NJ which was an easy-listening station at the time – now a Spanish station. Anyway with a little help from Pandora I’ve got a pretty good virtual recreation of their “Gaslight Revues” program segment with Sinatra, Doris Day, Dean Martin, Mel Torme, Judy Garland and so on. Back to the future indeed! Or, deja vu all over again!

    As far as is concerned I took the short version of the survey and stopped at the point where they wanted to get personal with my business. It would be nice for their site to give you where they think you’d fit in without having to get so intimate before they give you the results.

    Given we’re in another election year, finding out where people are politically might be a fun exercise for a tool in the crib off of a future show. A free fun site to start with can be found here Political Party Home Finders

    As always, thanks for yet another great show.


  5. doug_ashley August 1 2006 @ 1:21 am

    There is a lot of good stuff in the IFA.COM website. I actually ran across it several months before it was mentioned in In addition to the survey and 12 steps, the brief interviews with Fama, French, etc. are interesting. Keep up the good work!

  6. olivr2 August 1 2006 @ 6:23 am

    the link to the podcast – there on step 3 of the 12 steps..

  7. Viking133 August 1 2006 @ 10:23 am


    I learned that my index should be #85 by the quick survey. I thought that I was closer to the #99 🙁

    I bought the book (clicked from your website for Amazon) but it is now third on my list. Currently reading Good to Great by Jim Collins. How did you like Freakonomics? I have read it at the end of last year. I really enjoyed it and agreed with it’s theories.

    Keep up the good podcast and congrats on the nomination!

  8. bodotdot August 1 2006 @ 2:19 pm

    About four years ago, I picked up the book “Winning the Loser’s Game” by Charles Ellis. He had a few eye-opening charts that showed the simple yet superior methodology of Index Fund investing. The IFA site is a perfect companion to Mr. Ellis’ book, and I was suprised to learn on the site that even ‘ol Diamond Jim Cramer had a few favorable words to say about Index Funds!
    My philosophy: sign up with either Vanguard or Fidelity and start investing in the Total Stock Market Index. The expenses are the lowest of almost any mutual fund you can buy, over time your risk is reduced monumentally, you can have a little of your paycheck directly deposited into the fund, and you can relax! You don’t get the “higher highs” of stock picking, but you don’t get the “lower lows” either! Like IFA founder Mark Hebner himself says, “If you can’t beat the index, BE the index!”

  9. mrea2 August 2 2006 @ 10:32 am

    What up Paul!
    I must say again, your podcast rocks the house…!
    Man, the IFA website is packed full of great info. I’m going to need several days to cover it all. I learned that Vanguard may not be the king of index funds. Although I’ve come along way from blindly investing in front loaded funds believing the hype from greedy brokers, I’m still skeptical of diving head on into and IFA account. I’m currently investing with no load funds through T. Rowe Price based on my own research and advise from The Suzie Orman Show. You should have a T.V. show. I’ll keep listening to you and maybe I’ll switch gears…

  10. The Swede August 3 2006 @ 6:47 am

    I really recommend everybody to take the risk capacity survey. I took a look at the riskiest portfolio (Bright Red) and acctually considered it quite defensive. I then took the large test and discovered that my risk capacity was only 45 (Portfolio Teal). This was really a wake-up clock to me. Now I am going to diversify by buying some bond funds as a complimedt to my stock- and mutual fund portfolio.

    Keep up the good work Paul!