Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

SLE reported. Time to Act

The Secular Softgoods stock in our Cramer Portfolio: Sara Lee (SLE) reported a drop in third-quarter income, and gave a weaker-than-expected fourth-quarter forecast and the stock is down about 2.5% right now. I’m going to hit the bid right now at $18.20 and sell all of SLE in the portfolio. It was up ahead of the earnings and is back down now, so we’re not net down too much over the recent past. But let’s get out of this dog and into something FUN and PROFITABLE. The search is on…. Remember the category is Secular Softgoods. What is a recent Cramer pick that he is excited about that fits this category?

Onto the other ones. Paccar (PCAR). Remember Jim said to sell this one when it gets to $77. Well guess what? It is at $78.41. But he said that way way back on 5 January. Does it still apply? Lemme check… Nope, they sold it too. I’ll hit the bid on it right now at $78.74. Boom. Done. Now we need a Cyclical….

Wow, this is really a coincidence that we’re selling a secular and a cyclical because on yesterday’s excellent show, Jim said that the roles of secular and cyclical are at present reversed and whereas we would usually buy secular stocks going into a downturn, now we need to buy the cyclicals instead.

This is going to be fun.

Tue, May 9 2006 » Blog