Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

MMM-140: Crashed Computer

Make $400,000 in one month. Resolutions. Christmas doings. Cramer outs biggest Ponzi scheme. Capitalism! Crashed computer. New tire warranties. Speed camera hacking. Keynes. 2008 market wrap-up.
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MMM-140 Topics in this week’s show include:

  • Happy New Year! Resolutions:
    • Lose 30 lbs thru diet and exercise
    • Backup my computers even better
    • Read Mises
    • Maximize your pleasure, minimize others’ pain
    • Podcaster:
      • Blog every day
  • Yes, we did go to Huntington after all. Did geocaching. Went to Steak and Shake. ATE.
  • Boardgame: San Juan, Set,
  • Went skiing to Seven Springs. -3 degrees
  • LEARNING EARNING: IFA Investment Principles #1: Capitalism Works
  • Computer crash: LPS will be delayed
  • iPhone podcast downloading is kludgy
  • Write an iPhone app, make a $million ?
  • Something I don’t like about MacBook: keyboard keys: beginning/end of line, previous word
  • Cockroaches… Let’s say you are running a hedge fund. Why wouldn’t you claim that you had invested millions with Madoff’s firm and that is the cause of your losses. You’re a victim not a bufoon.
  • Cramer says Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme
  • Car tire warranty: is it worth anything?
  • Santas covering up speed cameras
  • Students speeding past cameras with someone else’s license plate. What a great game!
  • Is Europac good to invest with?
  • Conquering the Spirit of Debt sermon.
  • GURU: John Maynard Keynes of Keynesianism
  • End of Year Market Statistics

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Music from
Runaway Train – Under Feather

Email me: feedback at Mad Money Machine dot com or call the Mad Money Machine voicemail line 206-734-4763

Wed, December 31 2008 » Podcasts