Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Show 77 coming soon…

I’m planning to record show 77 on Thursday, 6 Sept. This past Labor Day weekend was full of events, school didn’t start for us until TODAY, and I can’t get any peace and quiet around the house, so show 77 is delayed. I’m eager to talk about this new Barrons 400 index on the next show. And of course, Beckham. I purchased a portable audio recorder today so I’ll be able to find my own peace and quiet! Stay subscribed and I’ll see you soon.

Wed, September 5 2007 » Announcements

2 Responses

  1. ravjim September 5 2007 @ 7:16 pm

    Which recorder did you purchase?

  2. Paul Douglas Boyer September 5 2007 @ 7:39 pm

    I bought the Samson Zoom H2.
    At $199 can’t go wrong.