Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Retiring in your 40’s

There is an interesting discussion thread at the asking the question, ‘Has anyone retired in their 40’s or aspires to?’ Lots of folks answered in the affirmative and have some great tips on making it work, both financially and psychologically. Some recurring themes: live below your means, use a 3% or 4% safe withdrawal rate (SWR), and find something interesting to do.

Mon, June 11 2007 » Announcements

4 Responses

  1. ravjim June 13 2007 @ 2:57 pm

    Sorry to post this here, but how did Hebner’s book rocket to $88.01 a copy on Amazon today!

    Index Funds: The 12-Step Program for Active Investors

    That is a truly great return!

  2. Paul Douglas Boyer June 13 2007 @ 3:07 pm

    I allude to this on show 66. Look for restocking in early July.

  3. vancwa1 June 18 2007 @ 5:49 pm

    Paul – on the whole subject of early retirement and SWR, do you know anything about using

  4. Paul Douglas Boyer July 2 2007 @ 2:05 pm

    I tried once (free thru Vanguard). I don’t really remember much about it, unfortunately.