Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Cramer manipulating at his Hedge Fund

Several people have sent me links to the YouTube video where Jim Cramer described how, at his hedge fund, he could push stocks higher or lower. Article at Cnet describes it and tries to link to the YouTube video, but YouTube says “This video is no longer available due to copyright claim by” Anyone else got another link that still works?

Does the video really say anything that hasn’t already been said in his book “Confessions of a Street Addict?” Or in Nicholas Maier’s book? (not that anyone has read that one)

Update: Jim Cramer on Imus today, says he was talking about what other people do. You can listen to the interview on Imus here.

Update 8:30 PM: Found a link to the video at Interesting that someone would want to advertise their investment advice before and after this video.

Update Friday 12:00PM: Whew, this is swirling now! Check out the article by Henry Blodget at regarding Cramer’s Crazy Confession. And don’t miss the transcript that Blodget links to in his article.

Thu, March 22 2007 » Announcements