Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer


I’m getting all kinds of good info from the new to pass along to you. Like this one:

On March 28th on PBS (check your local listings) a show called BoomerCentury will air. From the web site: is a rich interactive experience that helps you explore the past, present, and future of this remarkable generation—and lets you tell your own story as well. It was created by Vanguard in connection with the upcoming documentary The Boomer Century: 1946–2046, airing on most PBS stations next week. gives you a sneak peek at highlights from the documentary, including interviews with well-known boomers ranging from entertainers to self-help experts to political figures.”

I’ve got my DVR set for record.

Wed, March 21 2007 » Announcements

One Response

  1. NevSta March 22 2007 @ 10:04 am

    Yea this has me scared. The boomer generation, at least those that I know are do not have a very high net worth, and look like they will never be able to really retire at least not on the Social systems alone. It may be up to their children to look after them in their old age. That will put their children in jeopardy of repeating the cycle as they have no money left to save and invest for themselves due to the cost of raising their own children and caring for aging parents.

    I think keeping up with the Jones’s and the mounting amount of consumer debt both in the USA and other countries is really going to cause a real strain on the current working class person. I think everyone needs to take a close look at their finances and relize that you need to “Pay Yourself First” and then think about others.
