Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Use the new

I signed up today at, a discussion forum that I hope will replace the antiquated version hosted by Morningstar. Diehards refers to the Vanguard Diehards, devoted followers of John Bogle the founder of Vanguard who continues to be a passive investing evangelist.

As valuable a resource as the Morningstar-hosted Diehards forum was, it was just too painful to read through all the scattered postings there. No efficient way to search. No organization of topics. I’m hoping the new platform will make it better. It uses the same software that I used for the MMM forums but the real value of forums is in the number of quality posts, and has, in its short time, clearly established itself as a place where newbies can ask questions of the experts and experts can discuss amongst themselves the fine arcana of efficient portfolios.

update: 3/12/07: They keep changing the names of things. Now it is located at not

Wed, March 7 2007 » Announcements