Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Cramer Stocks of the Year so far…

Frank Barnako has beaten me to the punch and has started evaluating Cramer’s Stocks of the Year already.

Weirdly though, Frank calculates the performance of Cramer’s picks including several days BEFORE Jim even mentioned the stock. Heck, I can pick stocks that have already gone up too.

Anyway, Frank calculates that Jim’s three speculative picks are up an average of 23%. But that is from the beginning of the year including time prior to when Jim mentioned them. I calculate they’re up 12.6% since the morning after his mention.

I also calculate that all nine of Cramer’s stocks of the year are up on average 4.7% compared to Indexfolio 100 which is up 3.2%. I’ll dive deeper into all of this on show 52.

Sat, February 10 2007 » Analysis

4 Responses

  1. ravjim February 10 2007 @ 7:58 pm

    So, we are now into tarot reading to figure out which stocks Jim C. will pick. I think the icon for the next show needs to be a crystal ball, a very selective crystal ball.

    I have tracked all of Jim’s three picks in each category from the first week of Jan. and by my counting he is up 1.77%.

    Up 23% after NYX melted last Friday. How was the portfolio weighted?

  2. ravjim February 10 2007 @ 8:01 pm


    My numbers are based on a purchases on Jan. 3rd (so I gave Cramer a day or two) and buying $1,000 worth of all 9 stocks.

  3. Paul Douglas Boyer February 12 2007 @ 11:31 pm

    As of today, the Cramer basket is up 1.6% and the IFA Indexfolio 100 is up 2.8% since 4 January.

  4. davidj February 13 2007 @ 2:39 am

    BTW Seeking Alpha publishes daily summaries of Jim Cramer’s stock picks, and has an RSS feed so you can include the headlines and up to 30 words on your site for free. Look at how Mad Money Options is doing this:

    The Cramer’s Picks RSS feed is here:

    And you can add it easily to your blog using a FeedSweep widget: