Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

MMM-050: What is the Risk?

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Play show 50, right now 

What'sthe Risk?

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Will you buy an iPhone? It is the product that people are literally crying for. Wouldn’t it be great if it had more memory though?

David Beckham comes to the USA.

I got Rollerblades for a late Christmas present (wink wink).

Whither Day Break?

Which is the best way to invest? Go out now to the Forums and tell me why you must have some stocks in your investments.

MMM is getting attention from brokers, mutual fund managers, and commission-based advisers. But they would rather have you not listen to this show.

The Answer: What if everyone indexed?

Shining the light on risk.

Our Tool helps you calculate the financial impact of eating less.

The MMM Board of Directors game. We’re looking purely at returns and not risk, remember.
Hey BOD members that haven’t made any trades yet: Are you still with me? Let me know!

I talk about my strategy for picking stocks Cramer-style. I think I have a list of many of his Action Alerts Plus stocks for his charitable trust. And I read them all to you on the show. Isn’t that wonderful?

Matt Krantz’s article about the risk of T. Rowe Price.

I’m proud to be sponsored by Index Funds Advisors at I’m going to help you go through each of the 12 Steps for Active Investors with snippets of the author Mark Hebner’s own podcast.

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Sometimes I Feel Like a Golden God

Our Guru has the simplest investment strategy I’ve ever read. Market returns ARE superior returns. And following his strategy assures achieving market returns!

I was interviewed by Derek Simon on his Taking Stock podcast.

Read the discussion at the Forums about the $2000 per child Social Security plan.

Our guru from show 49, Henry Blodget, was on Fast Money. A hen in the fox house.

Download the show directly MMM-050.mp3

Music from

Disfunksion – The Groove Mine

The Answer – Eric Vardeman

Lonely – Remix – Paul

Money – Theory in Motion

Bliss – Rob Costlow

Runaway Train – Under Feather

Mon, January 15 2007 » Podcasts