Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Cramer on Imus

Here’s the link where you can listen/download/get the podcast of the Don Imus show this morning on which Jim Cramer talks about losing 30 pounds on the stress diet, talks about the new book, etc. Runs about 17 minutes.

Says not all the stocks he recommends are good for everybody. Says the show needs augmentation. Cliff Mason the book’s coauthor is the head writer of the show and is Cramer’s nephew. I figured as much when I saw in the book that it is dedicated to their two mothers; Louise Cramer and Nan Cramer Mason.

Says half the callers to his show are in college. They very much want to make money.

He throws his book against the wall on every show. (I wonder if that is how it is kept on the best seller list?)

Feels people have abused the show by buying after hours. The book is cautionary to not be too excited about the market. Gives the lowdown on how to buy stocks. Meant as a companion to the show.

The web has answered the problem of financial info for people who are already knowledgeable.

Talks about hedge funds. Says he was miserable at the hedge fund. Instead of going to work at a quarter to four now goes to work at a quarter to five.

Says living in his car was a wakeup call. Now he gives away everything he makes. Says we are taught to work hard, but working hard after you’ve made a lot of money is kind of a bogus thing.

Takes [limectil] that cuts off the highs (feelings of invincibility). Imus asked if he has ever thought about Jesus. Says only historically. The show gives him some sustenance. His relationships are now a 6 out of 10, up from the 3 out of 10 it was the last time he was on Imus.

Mon, December 4 2006 » Announcements