Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

I’m going to get rich watching my 46″ LCD TV

I just got my advance copy of Jim Cramer’s Mad Money: Watch TV, Get Rich and the first thing I’m going to do is set the book down beside the couch and turn on the TV so I can start getting rich. Next, during commercials (except the excellent IFA commercials) I will read the Table of Contents. 11 chapters, 198 pages. First three chapters on how to buy a stock. Next chapter on how to sell a stock. Then some chapters about things on the TV show.

Here’s the first line of the Introduction:

Investing well isn’t easy, but it is possible.”

To which I say, investing should be easy, or you’re doing it wrong! Maybe he means, “Gambling in the stock market to make money isn’t easy, but it is very slightly possible.”

Next sentence…

“My goal in life is to make it easier for you to make money.”

If you were to actually focus on the “easier” part, you’d tell people to buy index funds according to this breakdown:

Large cap stocks : 40% (half growth and half value)
Small cap stocks: 10%
Micro cap stocks: 10%
REIT: 10%
International Large: 10%
International Small: 10%
Emerging Markets: 10%

Then you don’t even need to watch TV to make money.

I’m just saying, I’m hoping as I get into the book I hear words like, “this book is to be used for your 5% speculative money only,” or, “pick stocks to have fun, not to make money.”

I’ll read and give you the full lowdown.

Fri, December 1 2006 » Announcements

2 Responses

  1. Kevin Ucker December 2 2006 @ 1:19 am

    Hey Paul,

    I’ve really enjoyed your podcast over the last 6 months and just wanted to give you some encouragement to keep it up. Your recent frustration on how to proceed is very understandable considering the windy road the MMM has taken to get to this point. Its not just the main topic and content that make this podcast great. Your personality is also a big reason the MMM has been so successful. I think transitioning the show into a different format while still keeping some of the core content is the way to go. I will keep listening as long as you keep it up, whatever changes may come. Thanks again.

  2. happydg December 4 2006 @ 2:26 am

    Hiya Paul!

    I wanted to extend my compliments and my gratitude for a very impressive effort. I have just started to discover the wonderful world of podcasts. I was thinking I was subscribing to a Cramer show when I “accidently” subscribed to yours. What a happy accident! In about a week I have made my way from shows 17 thru 37 and I am right with you in spirit! I am also a “seeker” and a “maven” and I do appreciate your hormblowerism if I may call it that… I want to make sure you know that you are doing a GREAT JOB! I expect that the rest of the shows will be just as fun and funny to listen to (“Booya Jim!!… I’m here at the roulette wheel and was wondering what you thought of the number 37..?”)