Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Gotta swap another one

Just when we had the Portfolio Smackdown complete with stocks once again, today Jim Cramer on his Real Money radio show (which may not be is not long for this world) said to sell Citigroup (C). So we will sell it tomorrow morning at 10:30 price and swap into Bank of America (BAC) which he said on Mad Money on 29 Nov is the “annointed financial.”

More info on the end of Real Money.

Thu, November 30 2006 » Blog

One Response

  1. Doug December 3 2006 @ 9:02 am

    Sad that it is going to end. I liked the quieter tones of the show – more talking and less yelling. FAQ show that he just did seemed to be more personable and actually sounded like he almost regretted doing some things – like it took a toll on his family or marriage. Doug

    BTW I think your show is great and I relate to your sense of humor. I listen in the car on the way to work at around 5:30a, I usually have a chance to listen to 2 of them. I’ve been working my way backwards through them. Enjoyed the newspaper today question immensely. I’d make the enough to be very very comfortable and secure – then go out and spend the rest of my life working (I love my job) and very secretly buy things for people that really needed them. Kind of a secret Santa type of thing.