Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Free Cramer Book and Get Your Booyah on on Dec 5th

OK hardcore Cramericans, now is your chance to get a free book and be seen on the Today Show.

I’ve just gotten word from Simon and Schuster that goes like this:

He has a new investing book coming out in December, titled Jim Cramer’s Mad Money: Watch TV, Get Rich.

We have a very fun opportunity for you and your readers. We have made “Booyah” Jim Cramer face masks and will be distributing them to the crowd at NBC’s “The Today Show” on Tuesday, December 5th at 7 AM—Jim will be appearing on the show that morning. We are also going to offer 10 free copies away to the first 10 people to show up.

So, come on down to Rockefeller Center—and don’t forget your Booyah signs!

Ask for Leah Wasielewski at the Today Show

I will be reviewing his book here and on the podcast, so stay subscribed!

Thu, November 30 2006 » Announcements

One Response

  1. Tekneek December 2 2006 @ 5:43 am

    Somehow I was totally surprised by the closing down of the radio show. Oh well. Frees up some space and time for other podcasts, I suppose. Fits in well with my week though, as I was just informed a couple days ago that I barely escaped having my job offshored to India.