Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Thank you!

First, a big thank you for your support, your feedback, and for reading and listening. It is fun or I wouldn’t be doing it.

Next, I ask two favors of you:

1. Starting in DECEMBER, would you please vote for this show at PodcastAlley? Use the entry box at the top right of this web page or Here’s the link to take you to their web site (click the Vote Now button) or go here

2. Starting right now, comment on this show in iTunes. Click the Write a Review link, you might need an iTunes account to do it. And if you have a criticism of the show, please email it to me so I can have the chance to fix it.

And hey, if you don’t want to vote or comment, that’s fine too. I’m just having fun trying to make it fun for you, no biggie.

Finally, an addendum to something I mentioned on show 47 about the Christmas tree lights: My wife came home with the Light Keeper Pro gizmo and I can’t believe it but it actually WORKED! It fixed three out of four strands AUTOMATICALLY! (The other one I put on the back side of the tree, ha ha). So sometimes advances in technology DO make you happy!

Happy Holidays!

Tue, November 28 2006 » Announcements

3 Responses

  1. Doug December 5 2006 @ 7:13 pm

    I voted for you at podcast alley. I think your show is great. I’m slowly working my way back from the latest show. I listen on an ipod on the way to work. I’m back to the Dearth show. Had a tough time stopping my laughter when you did the takeoff on people that insist on saying booyah when he only wants stocks… I think I saw one of the shows and that came darn close to actually happening ( I thought that was pretty funny too) Hope you keep up the show and don’t podfade. How about some more questions like the newspaper tomorrow today ? It’s pretty interesting to hear what your listeners had to say and then hear your commentary.

  2. Doug December 5 2006 @ 7:16 pm

    By the way. I didn’t leave a comment on itunes because it appears to me that in order to do that you have to register with them and give them a credit card… I know I registered my ipods with them and that registration doesn’t work when I try to sign in to leave a comment. You have to draw the line somewhere with the credit card verification stuff, right ?

  3. wen1614 December 11 2006 @ 2:27 pm

    I found your show via browsing on iTunes. I really like your show. I’m pretty new to Podcasts, and new to investing, as well.
    Of all talk radio and podcasts that I have ever listened to, I feel that your program is one of the best!! For the following reasons:
    1. Very high quality of sound —- consistent volume, no background noises (except for the ones you put in)
    2. You aren’t selling anything.
    3. You don’t have an ‘agenda’ — you don’t constantly come across with a set position on things (well, with the excption of investing)
    4. You have a good mix of content (roulette, some music, quality discussion of topics, humor)
    5. You don’t have annoying mannerisms that are often on radio / podcasts (including BOOYAH – type of listeners comments)
    6. For the most part, you do not deal with callers —- while that can be helpful and interesting at times, it often brings along unnecessary ‘baggage’ to the listener.
    7. I’ve found that my investing philosophy has grown much the same as yours did. (Of course, most of us like to listen to those who think like we do!)

    I’ve listened to most of the past episodes of your program. I like them all, but I think the two I enjoyed most —- 1) the one in which you were interviewed at the podcast convention. and 2) the ‘missing’ program (more recently) where you (in another interview) describe all aspects of your show. Very interesting.

    Thanks again. Keep up the good (great) work!!
