Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

MMM-034: Sudden Dearth

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or, if you just can’t possibly deal with that then
Play show 34, right now 


Sudden Dearth

Proudly sponsored by Index Funds Advisors. Check out their OFFICIAL version of the 12 Steps podcast. RSS Feed

I’ve said it before but I have no problem saying it again, THANK YOU! for nominating the Mad Money Machine as the only investing show to be so nominated as Best Business Podcast at!
But being nominated don’t mean a thing if I can’t continue bringing the goods!

The Last Bull Market for Bonds?

The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing.

How big would a folded sheet of paper be if you folded it over 50 times?
Illustrates the power of compounding.

I got a copy of Trading With The Enemy: Seduction and Betrayal on Jim Cramer’s Wall Street.

WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY ACCOUNT? My wife says I should join instead.

Indexing is ALL THE RAGE!

A tip NOT sponsored by Lipton Cold Brew Iced Tea.

HOT pepper!

My take on Step 1 of the 12 Step Program for Active Investors: Please Rescue Me!

Our Tool in the Crib is a two-fer this time and they are on FIRE!

Jim’s been laughing a lot more recently.

PPH vs. PFE. And the Luxury Index.

Other changes to the Portfolio Smackdown.
And what if we had stuck with the original 10 stocks in the Cramer portfolio?


Andy won the book! It will be on its way to you.

BOOK GIVEAWAY! I’m giving away yet another copy of Index Funds: The 12-Step Program for Active Investors. Make sure you are registered then simply add a comment to this show that answers these questions:

1. How did you first find out about the Mad Money Machine?
2. How (and optionally where) do you listen to the show?

Our Guru had a folly that turned pretty jolly.

Next show: Step 2, the MMM Special touch on the 12 steps.

Visit our sponsor: Index Funds Advisors

Download the show directly MMM-034.mp3

Music from
Runaway Train – Under Feather
Let It Out – Federal Bison
The Truth – Rasa 9
vEverybody Loved You remix – Geoff Smith
Mystery – Waiting On One
HOT – enobi
The ENRON Song – Where Dat Money Go? – David Ippolito
Rise of the Machines – Angry Red Planet

Thu, August 3 2006 » Podcasts

28 Responses

  1. doug_ashley August 3 2006 @ 9:43 pm

    >> 1. How did you first find out about the Mad Money Machine?
    Googling for ‘Cramer Podcast’. Luckily this was about the time of the first episode.

    >> 2. How (and optionally where) do you listen to the show?
    Usually on my PC so I can look up things while I am listening.
    Sometimes on my Creative MUVO FM 5 Gigabyte MP3 player which was a gift from coworkers in Singapore.

  2. olivr2 August 3 2006 @ 10:20 pm

    1) searched for it on iTunes but I’m not sure what I searched on

    2) iPod nano in the car or running

    btw, if Index Funds was an audio book I would get it

  3. andhij August 4 2006 @ 1:49 am

    Quite entertaining. Great Show and really informative. Keep up the Good Work. Booyah from Canada!!
    1) found your podcast in iTunes by searching “money”
    2) listening to the podcast in my iPod 5th Gen. mostly at work and while communiting

  4. Viking133 August 4 2006 @ 2:23 am


    Found your podcast on iTunes while doing a search on “Mad Money”.
    I downloaded the current one and after listening to it, I was hooked. I went back and downloaded all of the past ones and stayed up all that night listening and laughing to them. I was sad that I could only go back to #5 though… It was interesting how you got more refined as the podcasts went up in number. I usually erase the podcasts that I have listened to but yours I keep! 🙂 I think the reason I was in the podcast area was because Cramer started publishing his radio show through the podcast network and I was there to subscribe to it. Now I listen to you on my Nano while exercising or just catch you before I go to bed on Thursday night. I still love the way that you put a funny spin on the “Mad Money” show. I can watch the show all week and you have some comment or skit, like this time with the sudden death… It is refreshing to have someone else say what I am thinking. Booyah! hello, hello? Haha. Thought that you would say something about how thin Cramer is getting. He is either in great shape or is dying from something. Think that he did the UARM skit just to show everyone how all those hours in the gym are paying off. If you go back to his Sept 06 shows (that is when I started watching) he looked more healthy but less physically fit. When you are that rich and have worked that hard all your life, you should be entitled to a few extra pounds (just my opinion).

    Guess I am going to have to read chapter 2 for homework so I will be ready for next week. 🙁

    Found a website that I thought was interesting… You might already know of it…
    You can buy the bulls and the bears and throw them at your TV or computer screen when that @##$$%^^ stock is going against your position. 🙂

  5. Tekneek August 4 2006 @ 7:00 am

    Great show, as always. The intro was superb.

    1) I believe I found the show at podcastalley and it caught my eye because of the “Mad Money” correlation with Jim Cramer’s TV show. I think it was around Episode 5 or 6 and I listened back to the beginning, including the short little promo podcast.

    2) I primarily listen at work, through the computer (a mac mini).

  6. mrea2 August 4 2006 @ 9:29 am

    Once again, what up B.P.! (Big Paul)
    1- I found your pod cast at a site called podcast alley. I’m now subscribed through iTunes. I started listening about 3 months ago. I’ve collected all your podcasts 5 through 34. How do I get the first four?

    2- I usually listen via my iPod (while running or long distance driving). Today was the first day I listend through my computer. I can’t listen and browse though. I must remain totally focused so I don’t miss anything.

    Finally, I must know (espically after hearing your positive comments regarding Boogle). Is Vangard the king of indexing or does IFA hold the crown (in your opinion)?

    Thanks so much for the great content. Keep up the diligent work!

  7. AIMster August 4 2006 @ 12:14 pm

    Hi Paul,

    So, you’re another Chili-head, eh? Hot stuff! I’m the guy who adds extra African Cayenne pepper to the so-called “Hot” curry sauces to bring it up to a decent heat level! “Da Bomb” is a pretty potent one of the prepared sauces, with “Endorphin Rush” being good as it starts kinda sweet and then “boom!!”, followed by a nice afterburn..I also make a nice tomato chutney, using Srila Prabhupada’s cooking dictum for such, “Too hot to stand – and too sweet to resist!” Compliments the rather bland macaroni and cheese well.

    As for finding the show I believe I found it whilst doing a search on either Cramer or his Mad Money show.

    I usually listen on my PC at work – nice way to wnd the week on an upbeat note going into the weekend!! Thanks again for all your efforts.

  8. jibeduck August 5 2006 @ 12:17 am

    Thanks, great podcast!! Hope to see the show on TV sometime!

    1. found it on itunes
    2. listen on my nano

    BTW, the music transitions are most excellent

  9. The Swede August 5 2006 @ 4:40 am

    Hi Paul!

    I found your podcast by browsing the itunes business directory.

    I most often listen to it on my way to work via my iPod nano, but sometimes I also listen at home througt my computer.

    Thanks again for the podcast!

  10. asciiadam August 5 2006 @ 9:03 am

    I first heard of the Mad Money Machine while attempting to tag a map of ”cramer-icans” on frappr.

    Listen to the show on my 2 month old 30 GB black video iPod while I bike to work. The wife bought it for me because I convinced her that the podcasts would make me a better investor -which it has. She also got me the treo 700p which allows me to view those mentioned equities on the road.

    You make a good show. There are some other business podcasts that I am fond of, but your’s is by far the most entertaining (especially compared to the forex podcasts). I even recommend your show to those who are not all that interested in ‘the market’.

    Please tell your listeners to visit the podcast I contribute to;

    Thanks and keep up the good work.

  11. atore August 5 2006 @ 10:37 am

    hi paul,
    longtime listener, second time commentor (gave some feedback awhile back, when you asked about the smooth jazz vs rock music feedback)…..

    to be truthful, i’m not sure if i’m liking the “new” mmm…. the ifa “push” and philosophy isn’t really down my alley.. i have a 401k at work which i contribute the maximum allowed.

    my trading account is just that…a trading account where the goal is to increase the account’s bottom line (it is what my wife and i consider “mad money”) and i really do enjoy it!!

    when i originally subscribed, you were more about examining cramers stock picks and doing comparisons etc (you still do, but it has really taken a back seat to the index push)…c’mon….gamblers anonymous????

    anyway, maybe the random number gernerator will choose me and once i’ve read the book i’ll have changed my mind…

    so…… i originally found the mmm while sorting alphabetically down the names of the business show podcast selection in itunes, gave a listen and have been a listener ever since… i always download the weekly broadcast onto my ipod (2nd gen 40 gig which compared to the current selection was EXPENSIVE!!).. and usually listen while walking (1/2 hour a day) or working around the house on saturday….

    thanks for the show!!

  12. reelex August 5 2006 @ 3:04 pm

    hey paul,

    love the show, learned & enjoyed a lot..
    1) hmm, remember i was on a podcast directory browsing biz-related ones, thankfully, MMM was among the top of the list, (oh, just so u know, i didnt even know Mr.SkiDaddy at that time.. got lost a bit when hearing the first couple of episodes)
    2) on my mp3 player, no, not iPod.

    thanks for all the great work,
    but hey, no / less music maybe, please?

  13. sirscof August 5 2006 @ 3:19 pm

    Hey Paul,
    I found your podcast by typing in “Jim Cramer” in the itunes search engine. I discarded most of the results, but realizing you were a critic of Jim Cramer, knew that I had to see what your show was about. That was about four weeks ago and every friday I look forward to a new show. I drive a comercial truck and listen on my 30Gig iPod while charging down the road in my 24 wheeler. Great job and keep up the good work!

  14. fu_fish August 6 2006 @ 10:02 pm

    I found the show while browsing for investment podcasts on itunes. I kept listening because of the fun segments. Generally I listen on my laptop at work.

  15. mallen99 August 7 2006 @ 12:02 pm

    found you browsing the more popular business podcasts on ITunes.

    Listen in the car on the way home from work on my laptop with a fm transmitter

    keep it up!!!

  16. mojojojo103 August 7 2006 @ 1:01 pm

    How did you find out about the mad money machine?

    I was browsing business podcasts in the itunes player on my winodws pc computer looking for interesting podcasts–I found yours and I have been hooked ever since.

    How do you listen to the mad money machine?

    I subscribe to the podcast and listen to it after it shows up in my list of downloads each week. I listen with headphones from my laptop at work during lunch on Fridays. It’s a great way to end the week and I always come away with a smile on my face.

    Keep up the good work.

    Since you mentioned something about your grandfather I have an interesting comment my grandfather told me once when I told him I had a winning stock pick. He always asked me how many picks did I have that were loosers. Of coarse I always had many of those. Then he told me “so your winner is like wipped cream on a turd–it tastes good but overall your total return stinks…” He never much cared for the stock market–however; he was very succussful running his own manufacturing business which he started late in life and eventually sold to a large publicly traded company for a nice profit.


  17. griz August 7 2006 @ 3:12 pm

    1. Found MMM on
    2. Listen to it at work

    PS I really want the book Index Funds

  18. javdev August 7 2006 @ 8:48 pm

    Great show…
    I learned of your show from the StreetIQ Financial and Business Podcast registry. I never rely on one show for financial advice.

    I download your show directly from your site over the weekend. I listen to your show while commuting on a train, to and from The Big Apple. Usually on Monday afternoon. Please keep the podcast available on your site, I would never sign on to that proprietary Itunes garbage.

    Keep up the good work.

  19. heidi59 August 7 2006 @ 9:45 pm

    Hi Paul,

    I found your podcast while searching iTunes for Business and Investing sites. Since yours sounded like Cramer’s show, I listened to it and got hooked, and listen to it every week.

    I listen to it on my iPod Video usually while walking to work. I usually listen to it on Saturday and look forward to listening to it, laughing and singing along the way. It makes my work week start off on the right foot.

    I really like the cool songs you play, keep up the good work. I also sent the site to my folks to look at, thank you.


  20. phish43 August 7 2006 @ 10:48 pm

    1. Searched for “Mad Money”
    2. Ipod in my car

  21. cpadov August 8 2006 @ 7:34 am

    Keep up the good work!! I love the integration of stocks, music and jim cramer (oh yeah and too)

    I found you when i discovered the new world of podcasting. I then searched through all investment podcasts and your description was interesting to me, so I gave it a try. Been a happy listner ever since.

    I often find myself listening when I’m on my way to work, or when i’m cutting the grass on the weekends on my ipod.

    I will take a page out of Cramer’s book and do a shameless self promotion. Check out my website, I have provided a link to your podcast on it. It is:

    Thank you,

    Raleigh, NC

  22. jdogg13 August 8 2006 @ 5:09 pm

    1. I was searching for Cramer’s RealMoney Radio Podcast on and yours came up in the search results.

    2. I subscribe to your RSS feed (using NewsGator Online) and download the MP3, listening to it on my computer at work or at home.

  23. h2olite August 8 2006 @ 9:02 pm

    MMM-033 Sudden Dearth
    Like many others I found your podcast on iTunes searching Cramer’s RealMoney. I was a bit shocked at first (thought you were a Cramer groupie), but the more I have listened the more I enjoy your show and your different viewpoints.

    I usually download your podcast the night before and listen to it at work on my laptop during the day. Helps me move 38 min. further into my day.

    Great show, I really enjoy the book suggestions and reviews!

  24. Josh August 8 2006 @ 10:38 pm

    1. How did you first find out about the Mad Money Machine?

    I was searching through iTunes for Jim Cramer podcasts, and lo and behold, there you were, a sage among fools. Well, perhaps it’s not that extreme, but the balanced perspective of your podcast has helped reel in my crazy trader tendencies. And for that, I say thanks.

    2. How (and optionally where) do you listen to the show?

    I live on a farm in South Carolina. I listen to my mp3 player while doing farm chores, and I usually catch your weekly show while bushhogging, cutting wood, etc.

  25. Tim Miodek August 9 2006 @ 7:02 am

    Hi Paul
    1 Found it on Itunes searching for investment podcasts
    2 Listen while cycling or at work

  26. ninextim August 9 2006 @ 6:04 pm

    1) I found it on iTunes while searching for Business or Finance.
    2) I listen on my iPod while working nightshift.

    Great show! I love the music, especially the heavy stuff. Keep up the good work!

  27. MeekInheritNothing August 10 2006 @ 12:27 am

    1. Like many of your listeners, I found your podcast while searching for a Cramer “Mad Money” show
    2. If I’m having a good exercise day, then I listen while on the elipse machine at the gym; otherwise, it’s part of a commute with the iPod plugged into my car stereo.

    Thanks for a great podcast!

  28. kucker August 10 2006 @ 8:55 pm

    Hey Paul,
    I think my comment is a little late. I actually just caught up after going back and downloading all your past episodes. I listen to them on my ipod while riding the train to work. I found your podcast while searching for Cramer’s. I have since stopped listening to the “Mad Money” pod cast and you have really helped to change my thinking on investing. I find your show very educational and entertaining, except for your original songs. I had to fast fwd thru”Stock Pickin Blues.” Keep up the great work.
