Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Holy cow, we gotta sell UNH

That little Google News Action Alerts Plus trick tells me that Jim sent out an email 2 hours ago saying, “Understand this with UnitedHealth Group (UNH:NYSE): If I was back at my hedge fund and didn’t have any trading restrictions, I would no longer own this stock. … ”

So just on the 19th of May he was saying BUY it, and today it is a SELL.

I will sell it right now from the Portfolio at $42.01. I will talk more about this on show #24.

Addendum: 6:27PM: If you are a regular podcast listener, you will know where to find the secret information. That’s where I talk about the trick… I’ll tell you on show #24 also about the trick and the secret information.

Wed, May 24 2006 » Blog