Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Another sale in the portfolio

Jim said on his Real Money radio show yesterday that he was selling Altria (MO). So we gotta sell the thing from our Portfolio Smackdown. I’ll take the bid right now at $71.65 and sell all 134 shares. That leaves us with a loss in MO of about 4%. But we did get a dividend of $107.20 in April at least.

Now we have two gaping holes in the portfolio that need filling. MO was the Brand-name Blue Chip and Sara Lee (SLE) was the Secular Soft Goods. The Blue Chip might be easier to fill. Think Dow Jones stocks here. The Secular Soft Goods is in the midst of a bear market right now, it is hard to find something attractive. I wonder if you think Hanson would fit in the category? Perhaps we’ll look for an uptick in HANS to get in on it? Let’s put a bid in for HANS at $165 and see if we get filled, OK?

As for the Brand-name blue chip, how about General Motors? Wow that’s a real contrarian play. He says play GM for the trade and Toyota for the investment. Let’s do it! GM at $26.50. Sold to me.

Fri, May 12 2006 » Blog

2 Responses

  1. BornInZion May 13 2006 @ 2:37 pm

    hmmm. A little speculative with the blue chip portion of the portfolio perhaps? I would have thought CAT might be a better fit.
    Cramer also says cash is a good option. Perhaps cash for the soft consumer portion while they come to you? The objective is to buy them when they are most out of favor and the “M” is smallest. The money is to be made on the expansion of the M.

  2. Paul Douglas Boyer May 14 2006 @ 2:25 pm

    How about giving me a couple of names to watch in the Secular Softgoods sector, perhaps even with some price targets, that we can wait and snare if they come in for us?