Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Play in the MadMoneyMachineCOM Investment Guru Challenge!

Think you can pick stocks? Become an Investment Guru! Or just want to learn how to invest? Play for FREE in the Investment Guru Challenge. The fun starts April 3rd 2006 but latecomers are most certainly welcomed (and hey, you might have an advantage!) I’ll be competing under the name MadMoneyMachineCOM, so see if you can picks better stocks than I can.

Simply go to and sign up for a free account with the Zacks Simulator. Then join the MadMoneyMachineCOM game. The game runs through 2006, but we will check the progress regularly throughout the year.

The winners with the most money will be crowned Investment Guru and will be featured on a Mad Money Machine Guru Roulette segment!

Sat, March 25 2006 » Announcements