Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Spring is Here! Show 61 delayed

From winter straight into summer we have finally arrived at spring here in Northern Virginia. That means I am spending a little more time enjoying the outdoors and slightly less time working on things like, uh, podcasts. Show 61 will be out when it is good and ready. Keep checking.

But more importantly, I am working on a special feature for show 61. It is all about “SWR” which some refer to as Safe Withdrawal Rate and others as Sustainable Withdrawal Rate. But either way, it is all about how much you can take out of your investments annually and still keep enough in your account for all the other years you need to take out money too. When you consider factors such as the stocks vs. bonds mix, the rate of return on stocks, the inflation rate, the maximum drawdown, starting time and your longevity, etc, the SWR turns out to be much more complicated than simply saying “4%.”

For folks approaching or in retirement, the SWR is a critical piece of info to know in order to not run out of money and end up eating dry cat food (see below).

Even if you are nowhere near retirement, contemplating your SWR is a worthwhile exercise because, as Steven Covey of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People fame puts it, we should “begin with the end in mind”. Young folks will understand the importance of saving and investing in concrete terms when they can figure their SWR. It can be a shocking exercise.

And finally, I will be taking our cat to the vet today to be, how shall I say, retired from his life on this earth. He has been with us for almost 15 years and in recent months has gone from being overweight to underweight; from being well trained in the scatological arts to being poorly behaved; from being frisky and athletic to being lethargic and crippled. He has been a good companion for us and we will miss him.

The Boyer Cat The Boyer Cat three years ago.
The Boyer Cat Today The Boyer Cat today

Tue, May 1 2007 » Announcements

3 Responses

  1. recoveringTrader May 1 2007 @ 6:42 pm

    Thank you for the update, Paul. I am sorry to learn of your family losing your 15 year companion.

    As someone semiretired and not at all confident in the quality of our financial future, I eagerly look forward to your discussion on SWR. I wish I had found seven years ago, before the tech bubble burst and my vain attempts to make up the losses through market timing and trading stocks. I’m trying now to do the right thing with what’s left.

    Thanks for all your hard work.

  2. NevSta May 2 2007 @ 9:01 am

    Sorry to hear about your cat. 🙁 Looking forward to the show. Enjoy the sun, but keep those legs covered. Inside joke. LOL

  3. Pug May 3 2007 @ 9:40 am

    Paul – sympathies to you and your family. I’ve been there, done that, apropos making that last trip to the vet. In the end, you’ll know that your cat had a good run over 15 years, and you’ll always have some great memories.

    Please keep up the good work with the podcast. It keeps getting better !