Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Why doesn’t iTunes update with newest episodes?

If you browse iTunes and look at the details for the Mad Money Machine, it shows the most recent episode is only show 54. I have written to them twice today but no joy so far.

So if you get the episodes through the “Get Episode” link, here’s what you should do instead: Click SUBSCRIBE and then go into your subscribed podcasts lists and find the Mad Money Machine in there. Then, in the Windows version of iTunes, right-click the mouse and choose “Update Podcast” and you’ll see shows 55, Cramer in Crisis, and 56.

I’m with Leo Laporte: I don’t like Apple being the monopoly on controlling podcasts.

Wed, March 28 2007 » Announcements

2 Responses

  1. NevSta April 2 2007 @ 10:55 am

    Well I guess somebody else found a flaw in the VSE. You can sell short the day before a stock split and double your money. LOL. BONZA!!!

  2. Paul Douglas Boyer April 3 2007 @ 8:39 pm

    I have reported this to the powers that be at VSE and really hope they take corrective action. (But I doubt it)

    I am manually correcting the results of the Board Of Directors Portfolio Smackdown game. Yecchh