Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

Like I promised, no show this week!

So my family was visiting in town this week. And I did a talk about my podcast for my neighbor’s company today. And like all the other high-quality podcasts that take a break in August, I wanted to be in good company and skip a week. Hey, this is so much fun, maybe I’ll skip TWO weeks!!! Keep a lookout though, you never know. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Oh, and I will also say this: If you want me to come and give a talk at your company or event, I’m all set now! I have the PowerPoint slides to go with it and everything. Just get me there and I’m ready to do it. Here’s more details:

Title: so you wanna podcast?
What is a podcast?
How I got into in podcasting
Me and Jim Cramer’s Mad Money
My podcast’s success
The Efficient Frontier
Getting the best sound
How to podcast your passion

I can make the talk as long or as short as you want it (and not just by talking really slow or fast!).

Thu, August 24 2006 » Announcements