Mad Money Machine Couch to 5K Running Plan in 12 Steps
Get physically fit as well as financially fit. You’ll be running a 5K in only 12 steps. Great music to get you physically functional and timeless words of investment wisdom to get you financially free. Put this one in your playlist to keep forever.
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The Mad Money Machine is proud to be sponsored by Index Funds Advisors at ifa.com.
Topics in this week’s show include: 
I’m interested not only in your financial fitness, but also in your physical fitness. Get off the couch and get running or jogging with the Mad Money Machine Couch to 5K Running Plan in 12 Steps based upon the plan originally described at Cool Running. That’s 12 graduated running plans starting with Step 1 that alternates between 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking. The plan moves you all the way up to Step 12 where you will achieve a full 30 minutes of continuous running.
I’ve put together some great music to make your jogging effortless. Just listen for my cues on when to start and stop running for each step. Keep running on the same step until you feel comfortable that you can move up to the next one. It doesn’t really matter how long it takes you to get to step 12, as long as you’re up off the couch!
To help you spend your time, in addition to enjoying great music I’ll also give you an overview of each of the 12 Steps for Active Investors. You’ll not only get in physical shape but also in financial shape at the same time. Learning while running! These timeless tips worth memorizing provide an overview to Mark Hebner’s book, Index Funds: The 12-Step Program for Active Investors. You’ll learn what it means to be an active investor and why you don’t want to be one! By the end of these 12-Steps, you’ll be a 5K runner and a couch investor.
Music from music.podshow.com:
Money – Tems
The Pop Culture – DJ Top Shelf
Money – Theory in Motion
Proof Remixed – Diet Slyce and On the Money – Trap Door
Money Control – Voide
Money – AbaNDa SHAKE
Coz They Invented Money – Gravitator
Cashbox – Big Head Todd and The Monsters
Runaway Train – Under Feather
Email me: feedback at Mad Money Machine dot com, or comment, or Call me on the Mad Money Machine voicemail line at 206-734-4763
————- C25K WALL OF FAME ————————————–
I started with step 1 in late June, and just completed step 12 today (9/3).
Thanks brother!
Gahanna, Ohio