Mad Money Machine

by Paul Douglas Boyer

No Stoppin’ GameStop

Holy Cow! Whatta move today for GME. up 11.5% for the day and 17.3% since the 12/30 close. December comp same store sales up 8.7%. Lots of other good news there. Should we RING THE REGISTER NOW? or let ‘er ride??? Perhaps a trader would sell now and buy it back again slightly lower, but I think we’ll just hold it until we get the signal from Jim.

The MMM Cramer Portfolio is already pulling ahead of the ETF portfolio after only 3 trading days, thanks to GME and ENG. CYNO and SLE are the only two under water at the moment. The MMM Cramer Portfolio is up 4.2% and the ETFs are up 2.9%. That’s fantastic after only three days.

BTW: Jim’s newest monthly column is up at In it he gives some headlines we should expect to see in 2006. BTW: he also covered the material in yesterday’s radio show. He says CBS is ripe for a takeover and that Citigroup and GS will merge.

Thu, January 5 2006 » Uncategorized